Mark Titus (CEO)
What I like about Fun Bunch: I like everybody’s ideas for both meetings and also ideas for events!
My interests: I love sports! I love the Washington Capitals, Washington Redskins, Washington Wizards, and also the Baltimore Orioles! I enjoy collecting magnets to put on my refrigerator. I also like experimenting and cooking new healthy foods/ meals.
My favorite past Fun Bunch events: It is hard to limit my reply to only one event after 17 years, but I have enjoyed going to see the B&O train museum in Baltimore and also going to see Fort McHenry in Baltimore; I also have liked going to see the Holiday lights at BROOKSIDE Gardens and the National Christmas tree. I have also enjoyed going to see Mount Vernon!
Roslyn Titus (Secretary & Social Events Coordinator)
At the meetings we learn something new with the discussion topic. That different people take turns presenting topics. Also going on the the different outings and making new friends.
Interests: I like movies, taking vacations to new places, the outdoors like swimming and boating. Also spending time with friends and family
Favorite Past Events: Butterfly exhibit, winter lights and pontoon boat rides
Angela (Big Sister) and Jeffrey Weller (President)
The group helped him to become more social and likes everyone in the group
Interests: Going to see movies, swimming and the beach
Favorite past events: Monument cruise on the Potomac River, Brookside Gardens Holiday lights
Everyone is nice and is nice and is fun to have fun with. We are like one big happy family.
Interests: Knit, likes her two cats and loves her husband
Favorite past event: The monuments boat ride on the Potomac River, movies, visiting Mount Vernon and swimming
David Wilk (Vice-President)
One of the greatest moments I like about the fun bunch is I get to know new people and getting along with them like family
Interests: Art, dancing, singing, playing an instrument, making cakes and going to Rehoboth beach
Favorite past event: the Christmas party, picnic and movie night
Roland Cardinale (Membership Commitee & Big Brother)
Enjoy the members, going out on outings and feels like he belongs in the group
Interests: Painting, cross word puzzles, puzzles, meeting new people, hanging out with family and friends
Favorite Past Event: Brookside Gardens
Katie Proia (Website/Social Media)
Enjoy being with the members and making friends where you can relate to them.
Interests: Writing, swimming, figure skating, table tennis, playing video games, watching movies and anime, spending time with family, friends and dogs
Favorite past event: Brookside Gardens
Debbie Kellerman (Historian & Email Reminder/Phone Tre)
Everybody is nice
Interests: Going to concerts and hanging out with close friends
Favorite past event: Mount Vernon